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Variety Of Orchids

Dendrobium orchids.

Dendrobium orchids are abundant in the tropics and subtropics, with Thailand, Singapore and Hawaii being the main producing countries. Dendrobium is a plant that shows polymorphic growth. It is a self-sufficient plant that tends to grow on a support with a strong root system with long pseudobulbs but does not receive nutrients from the substrate.Necessary nutrients are obtained from air and water vapor, and this type of plant is fast growing, with a large number of plants available, a large number of beautiful atractiv flowers, long flowering inflorescences, longevity of flowers, and the ability of flowers to behave well.Takes a unique place in between Flower Planter. Dendrobiums prefer 70% to 75% humidity. nighttime temperatures of more than 15°C and daytime temperatures of 25°C to 30°C.Depending upon the temperature, Dendrobiums should be watered about once or twice a day During the summer and the plants may need to be watered every 3-4 days. The rule of thumb for watering should be as followed: More heat more water, less heat less water.Dendrobiums must be fertilized on a regular basis! For best results, use Norman's Optimal Orchid Nutrients every other week. It is recommended to pre-water plants, before applying the diluted nutrient solution if the potting media is dry.

Phalaenopsis Orchids.

The Phalaenopsis Orchid is a genus of orchid that contains about seventy different species. This particular orchid species is native to India, China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia.The most variety and largest populations are found in the Philippines and Indonesia.Phalaenopsis Orchid is a monoecious flowering plant.The leaves with short stems can be seen near the root system and there are only four or five fleshy leaves on the plant.Dont have Fake bulbs and other major water storage components and water storage by only leaves because should never be allowed to dry.Humidity should be 70% to 80% for its survival and growth as moist air circulation is essential.Since the leaf and root system are close together, the temperature should be 13 °C 15 °C at night and the leaves should be dry and require about 40% less sunlight.Palanopsis has become popular among many as it is more suitable for home decoration as it can be grown as a potted plant under indoor environment.

Vanda Orchids.

Vanda orchids occur naturally in New Guinea, some islands in the western Pacific, and in East and Southeast Asia. They’re often found in the jungle, so they are used to humid, tropical environments.This plant tends to grow taller to protect its root system.The stem shows growth vertically as a single stem with air roots.No medium is needed to retain the dense root system exposed to the environment, but artificial support is needed to keep the plant hanging directly.There are three main types of orchids.If they are strap leaved Vanda ,terete leaved Vanda and semi-terete Vanda.Humidity must be 60 to 70 for survival and growth, where humid air circulation is essential. The strong, thick and elongated root system helps the plant to absorb and retain water and nutrients, salts and nutrients in the air vapor.A healthy plant flowers about twice a year.Vandas are fascinating orchids that may be grown with relative ease. Vandas are monopodial. Growth arises from the crown of the plant. Flowers are available in superbly rich colors, including blue, red, orange and yellow. The flower spikes, which usually carry 8 to 10 blooms, arise from the base of the leaves and last for several weeks. The goal of good orchid culture is to promote robust, disease- free plants with good quality flowers.

Catliya Orchids.

Cattleyas are often referred to as "The King of the Orchids". They are best known for being the corsage orchid. Cattleyas are an excellent choice for the novice. Due to their relative ease of culture and adaptability, Cattleyas are among the most popular orchid genus grown. The exotic fragrance flowers are available in a wide range of spectacular colors, sizes, shapes, and textures.Sufficient lighting is a must for successful cultivation. Cattleyas prefer either an east or a lightly shaded south-facing window. West windows should be used with caution. Depending upon the location of the home, the west window may become very hot during the late spring through early fall. The foliage on the plants may burn.Cattleyas adapt to a wide range of temperatures. Provide nighttime temperatures 55 to 60°F and daytime temperatures 70 to 90°F. Plants can tolerate temperatures of up to 100°F, if shading, humidity and air circulation are increased.Depending upon the temperature, Cattleyas should be watered about once or twice a week. During the summer, the plants may need to be watered every 4-5 days. The rule of thumb for watering should be as followed : More heat more water, less heat less water.Cattleyas may be allowed to dry out between waterings. Try to water the plants early in the day, so that the foliage will be dry by nightfall.Cattleyas prefer 40-60% humidity. Humidity Trays may be needed.Cattleyas must be fertilized on a regular basis! For best results, use Norman~s Optimal Orchid Nutrients every other week. It is recommended to pre-water plants before applying the diluted nutrient solution if the potting media is dry.Cattleyas should be grown in Medium Orchid Bark. The bark mix should be moderately coarse to allow for free drainage. Cattleyas should be repotted once every two years. Ideally, Cattleyas should be repotted in the spring.

Cymbidium Orchids.

Cymbidiums are among the most popular winter and spring blooming orchids. They are excellent patio plants. The breath taking sprays of flowers make ideal home or patio decorations. From the time that the first flower bud opens, the sprays will remain in bloom for the next 2~3 months. They are among the easiest and most rewarding orchids to grow.ature Cymbidiums require a nighttime temperature below 60°F during the early fall to initiate flower spikes. For best results, provide nighttime temperatures 50 to 60°F and daytime temperatures of 70 to 85°F and prefer 40-50% humidity. Cymbidiums can tolerate temperatures up to 100°F if shading, humidity and air circulation are increased.Depending upon the temperature, Cymbidiums should be watered about once or twice a week. During the summer, the plants may need to be watered every 4-5 days. The rule of thumb for watering should be as followed: More heat more water, less heat less water.Sufficient lighting is a must for successful cultivation. Place Cymbidiums on a covered patio protected from the mid-afternoon sun. Direct morning and late afternoon sun can be tolerated by the plants, provided exposure occurs gradually. Light green leaves with a tinge of yellow are an indication of maximum lighting tolerance by the plant. Dark green leaves are an indication of insufficient lighting.

Oncidium Orchids.

Oncidium intergeneric hybrids are comprised of a large group of orchids from many different genera. The Oncidium alliance is very popular among orchid growers due to its cultural flexibility and striking sprays of long lasting flowers. The plants may be grown with relative ease in the home or under a sheltered.Oncidium alliance thrives on bright light. In the home, an east or a lightly shaded south-facing window is ideal. Outdoors, place the plants on a covered patio protected from the mid-afternoon sun. Direct morning and late afternoon sun can be tolerated by the plants, provided exposure occurs gradually. The plants need to adapt slowly to the increases in lighting. The leaves should be bright green as opposed to dark green or reddish green. Reddish green indicates too much light; dark green indicates not enough light.Most Oncidiums and their hybrids are intermediate in temperature preference. For the best results provide nighttime temperatures of 50 to 60°F and daytime temperatures under 85°F. Oncidium tend to prefer cool temperatures. For the best results provide nighttime temperatures 50-55°F and daytime temperature 60-80°F. Place the plants near a cool window in the home. In temperate regions, the plants may be grown outside under protected patio covering.Oncidiums will tolerate higher daytime temperatures if the humidity is increased.Oncidiums prefer 50-65% humidity. Humidity should be increased with higher temperatures. Humidity Trays may be needed for plants grown in the house.Depending upon the temperature, Odontoglossums and Oncidiums should be watered about two or three times a week. During the summer, the plants may need to be watered every 2-3 days. The rule of thumb for watering should be as followed : More heat more water, less heat less water.